Wednesday, September 25, 2024

With A Compliant Driveby Media, Anything Goes In Modern America. Anything

In May 1987, the Miami Herald published a story suggesting that Gary Hart, an initial frontrunner in the Democratic primary, was involved in an extramarital affair.

The situation escalated when reporters began investigating further, leading to a famous photo of Hart with a young woman on a yacht named "Monkey Business." The story broke just as Hart was gaining momentum in the polls, causing a significant backlash.

Faced with mounting pressure and media scrutiny, Hart suspended his campaign.

For Democrats, anything goes, really, anything, because a fawning media has abdicated its fourth estate role to scrutinize the actions of our political leaders.

How is this even possible? And why was there no outrage from the media? As we said, anything goes.

Trump, who had an excellent professional relationship with Oprah during his New York days as a celebrity, lamented that Oprah had embraced Harris.

Harris has abdicated her responsibilities as the vice president, not showing up to greet foreign leaders who are here for the United Nations General Assembly and is busy campaigning.

Why has the media not made a big deal about this story? Because, anything goes.

The question is, what precisely Harris would do to achieve that goal? So far, she has not answered this question, and the media has never pressed her.

Fully sixty percent of Americans lack trust in the established news media, while only a third have trust The media never aggressively attacked the Democratic Party after it installed Harris as the nominee, although she had not won a single delegate in the primaries.

How can the media approve of such an undemocratic process? Far from disapproving, the media has celebrated every Kamala Harris moment since, fawning over her candidacy.

The Democrats' actions have no consequences because the media is wilfully compliant.

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