Sunday, September 22, 2024

Who Democrats Really Are

Democrats no longer talk equality, they talk equity According to Pew Research, Republicans that are certain or fairly certain that there is a God are at 90%. Democrats that are certain or fairly certain there is a God are at 76%. That may not seem low, but it was low enough for the Democrats to fight like hell about whether to proclaim God in their party platform.

Democrats no longer talk equality, they talk equity.

Democrats no longer talk capitalism, they talk democratic socialism, whatever that is.

Democrats no longer talk law and order, they talk justice, justice.

Democrat political language has been alarming for some time Democrat political language has been alarming for some time, 'Trump plans to execute a coup on January 6, 2025." Says Rep. Dan Goldman.

Democrats forget we have a Trump presidency to refer back to.

Democrats do not care about the strength of our country Foreign enemies being afraid of Trump is not a bad thing. 

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