Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What Happened to Trump’s 63 Million Doses of Hydroxychloroquine?

Trump’s 63 Million Doses of Hydroxychloroquine Could Have Been Great for America Early in the pandemic, President Donald Trump and White House senior official Peter Navarro arranged the donation of 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to America’s strategic drug stockpile to combat Covid-19.

I vividly remember Dr. Peter Navarro calling one of my clients early in 2020 and trying to source additional doses.

Who or what corporation drove the globally-coordinated smear campaign that attacked Trump, Navarro, Raoult, and anyone who advocated for early administration of hydroxychloroquine (+/- azithromycin or any other agent)?

The real question is why and who or what corporation(s) were behind this?

What happened with the Trump/Navarro initiative involving stockpiling and deployment of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID is one of the most clear-cut and shocking case histories of globalized Deep/Administrative State and academic corruption combined with PsyWar deployment that I have ever encountered, and I had a front row seat for all of it.

And I remember having to rapidly re-write a Famotidine clinical trial protocol to adapt to the declaration of hospital-restricted emergency use authorization for use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID.

I have personally met and spoken with esteemed French Professor Dr. Didier Raoult, who experienced one of the initial targeted COVID PsyWar attacks, for his work developing a treatment protocol combining hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

Dr. Zev Zelenko, whose early treatment protocol was based on use of Hydroxychloroquine, often sought my advice and once told me he considered me a mentor.

• None Another Washington Post article stated that HCQ use for Covid-19 “makes no sense” and “no medical evidence supports Trump’s hydroxychloroquine obsession” in a piece titled: “…People who take his [Trump’s] advice may die” in referring to HCQ.

Montini, who for years, can barely write an article not denigrating Trump, also opined on drug safety, calling Trump’s followers “hydroxychloroquine kooks” adding his smarmy epithet for Trump’s medical experts (ostensibly including Yours Truly) as a “coterie or bootlicking minions” [SIC].

Financial Ramifications of Condemning Trump’s Hydroxychloroquine Proposals in Favor of Big Pharma Alternatives: While Trump’s proposal to use HCQ was negatively bombarded, novel, expensive Big Pharma treatments with very limited data were developed, (and tested against placebo instead of treatments including HCQ or ivermectin) and rapidly reviewed, authorized by America’s FDA and purchased with taxpayer debt by the Biden White House.

In the Joe Rogan episode, I lay blame directly on Dr. Rick Bright (director of BARDA at the time), and Dr. Janet Woodcock (ex-acting director of the FDA).

In the following essay, Dr. Gortler provides a huge public service and homage to truth by exposing the fraud and malfeasance surrounding the demonization of the drug hydroxychloroquine during the COVIDcrisis.

Scientific truth eventually shines through.

While 32,011 adverse event reports is not inconsequential, compare that to the over 1 million adverse event reports submitted to the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for mRNA Covid-19 shots, total, just since 2021 (i.e.

The key unspoken question which all must confront is how many lives were wasted, how much death and disability could have been avoided, if Rick Bright, Janet Woodcock, the CIA, MI5/6 and their Mockingbird press operation had not deployed the full PsyWar toolkit against the use of hydroxychloroquine.

Following Trump’s proposal, HCQ suddenly came under an unwarranted full-scale attack from federal officials, the press, so-called “fact-checkers,” and university professors.

• None Confirmation bias in referencing select HCQ RCTs was not science.

Late Treatment and Incorrect Doses Incorrectly Translated as Hydroxychloroquine Being Harmful and/or “Not Effective:” Widely disseminated press reports of negative conclusions associated with HCQ reflected the inappropriate timing of HCQ in the form of “late treatment” (or sometimes even very late treatment studies) and/or studies that tended to disregard/not specify an HCQ treatment delay following diagnosis confirmation.

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