Saturday, September 21, 2024

"We had an open primary:" Crazy Nancy Pelosi Lies And Claims The People Elected Kamala

Anyone voting in November is old enough to remember that Kamala Harris did not win the primary. Instead, she was selected in one of the most undemocratic elections in American history. Nancy Pelosi is old enough to forget that, especially after she reportedly staged a de facto coup against Sleepy Joe. 

But if she means “open primary” in terms of Democracy, then she’s incorrect.

And his party made that decision only because Pelosi gave her assent.” Pelosi also she “Did what she had to do.” So it’s unclear how we went from Pelosi doing what she had to do to Kamala winning a primary that never happened but that’s the story she is currently sticking with.

There was no open primary and it’s unclear if she’s as senile as Biden or if she’s trying to change history in real time.

Anyone voting in November is old enough to remember that Kamala Harris did not win the primary.

As would say, “It was a setup.” If she means that she solely decided who the Democratic nominee was when she said “open primary” then yes, that’s what we had.

It’s not a matter of opinion that Kamala was not elected.

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