In the case of statins, prior to their discovery, it was difficult to reliably lower cholesterol, but once they hit the market, research rapidly emerged stating that cholesterol was more and more dangerous and, hence that more and more people needed to be on statins.
Despite the overwhelming evidence against their use, many physicians believe so deeply in the "Profound" benefits of statins that they do things like periodically advocating for statins to be added to the drinking water supply.
In turn, as the years went by, I saw increasingly elaborate excuses being created to protect the statins from an ever-increasing awareness of their dangers.
Which, when translated into plain English means that the only reason people believe statins injured them is because they were tricked into imagining the injury, so the best solution is to tell them the symptoms are in their head. What I found remarkable about this study was that the doctors who cited it never considered that the nocebo effect could not apply as their patients were not aware things like muscle pain were associated with statins until they experienced them or that the discrepancy in the observed rate of adverse events could also be explained by the fact the randomized controlled trials are always funded by the pharmaceutical industry and hence consistently cover up injuries that occur there.
Statins inhibit glial cell production of cholesterol.
Finally, one of the most concerning side effects of statins is their tendency to cause ALS. This correlation is further supported by many reports of statin ALS improving once the statin is stopped.
Nuclear Factor-Kappa B. The small cardiovascular benefit observed from statins may not be because they reduce cholesterol but rather because they have anti-inflammatory properties, as they inhibit NF-kB, a vital part of the immune system.
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