Friday, September 20, 2024

The Democrats’ War on America, Part Two: An Economy That Serves Nobody Except Those in Charge

As we outlined in Part One, here in California, we have an economy that would be the fifth largest in the world if it were to be separated as a standing nation.

Home to Silicon Valley, Hollywood, world-class agriculture, and medical schools, California is an economic powerhouse.

In California, have the highest poverty rate in the nation.

Democrats have a supermajority hold in California politics, meaning that there is no Congressional opposition to whatever they wish to do.

California's economy serves every Democrat's whim and desire.

What are the state's poor people expected to drive? Over-regulating oil and gas companies out of the state? In another effort to cripple oil drilling and production in California, Governor Hair Gel issued an executive order in 2021 to stop hydraulic fracking.

Issuing insane minimum wage rules and closing hundreds of small businesses? No better place to see the law of unintended consequences rearing its ugly head is California's 2024 law mandating a $20/hour minimum wage for fast food workers.

Why would you work for $12/hour for a landscaping job when you can flip burgers in air-conditioned comfort at In-N-Out for $20/hour? With labor being an important component in fast food costs, California's residents have rebelled at paying $20 for a Big Mac combo meal at McDonald's, crippling many small businesses in the fast food and casual dining sectors.

As Newsom wants to burnish his prospects for his expected 2028 run for the presidency, he smartly vetoed this insane legislation proposed by the California State Legislature.

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