Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Democrats Defraud the Voters With A Little Help From Their Friends

Lying has always been part of politics. Politicians lie about what they supported in years past or what they would do if elected. But because of the magnitude of the frauds promoted by Democrats in recent years and because they are assisted by the MSM and our intelligence services, the Democrats have taken lying to a new level. Elections are democracy’s lifeblood. Lying to voters threatens the very underpinnings of our democracy. A review of lies the Democrats and their allies have foisted on voters in recent presidential elections demonstrates that something must be done. 

In 2016 the Democrats fabricated the Trump-Russian collusion hoax.

A review of lies the Democrats and their allies have foisted on voters in recent presidential elections demonstrates that something must be done.

But because of the magnitude of the frauds promoted by Democrats in recent years and because they are assisted by the MSM and our intelligence services, the Democrats have taken lying to a new level.

That’s far more serious than lying about how a politician voted years ago.

Lying to voters threatens the very underpinnings of our democracy.

Politicians lie about what they supported in years past or what they would do if elected.

When the Democrats lie to voters, they steal their votes in attempting to steal elections by shifting the votes to themselves.

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