Friday, September 20, 2024

Taxpayers Left in the Dust on Policy for Trans Inmates in Minnesota

 Likewise, in the Lusk case, taxpayers got off with only $495,000 – for now -- but the policy change never had to survive a legislative debate.

Earlier this month, we took a deep dive into Minnesota’s state checkbook.

Sue and Settle: Regulating Behind Closed Doors | US Chamber of Commerce “A Trans Inmate Wins Health Care and Will Move to Women’s Prison after Suing Minnesota” | NPR “Walz’s admin handed nearly $500K in taxpayer cash to left-wing legal group that demanded trans inmate move to women’s prison” | Josh Christenson | New York Post Recent Updates: SCOTUS Decision on Emergency Abortion Care, Gender Justice Team at the White House, and Other News | GenderJustice | | July 1, 2024 Why I Am Publishing the WPATH Files and How I Got Them | Michael Shellenberger | X | March 4, 2024 The WPATH Files: Pseudoscientific Surgical and Hormonal Experiments on Children, Adolescents and Vulnerable Adults | Mia Hughes | Environmental Progress

By comparing the paid vendors with those who donated to Governor Tim Walz’s reelection campaign, we found interesting examples of overlap but not enough information to identify confirmed conflicts of interest.

According to its website: They say they’re “advancing the boldest gender equity agenda in Minnesota history by pushing transformative legislation.” It seems everybody did mighty well here — except for the taxpayers of Minnesota, who paid for the legal proceedings, underwrote the Gender Justice nonprofit and will ultimately fund controversial treatments for Lusk and many others.

Gender Justice is a nonprofit headquartered in St. Paul, Minn., focused on so-called "gender equity.” With policy education, advocacy and legal services arms, the organization lists among its mission “dismantling” legal structures that prevent equity.

It demonstrates how policy can change without the taxpayers having much say in the matter.

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