Monday, September 2, 2024

Seattle Schools will reveal proposed school closures in October due to budget shortfall

Parents and faculty of Seattle Public Schools will soon learn which school buildings will close as the district works to fix a $100 million budget deficit.

Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Brent Jones announced that preliminary recommendations for which elementary schools face closures are expected in early October.

Enrollment at Seattle Public Schools since the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to go down.

According to the district, closing a school could save Seattle Public Schools between $750,000 to $2 million.

This is due to the district’s budget deficit that has resulted from weaker revenue streams and continually-decreasing enrollment.

During the week of Sept. 9, the district will launch a new well-resourced schools hub, which will provide a detailed analysis of the current portfolio of elementary school buildings that could potentially be subject to closures.

Over the past seven years alone, enrollment at Seattle Public Schools has dropped by approximately 4,000 students, causing a number of the district’s elementary schools to have fewer than 300 students.

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