Wednesday, September 11, 2024

SC high court rejects GOP vouchers, says taxpayer dollars can’t pay private tuition

In a 3-2 split decision, the state’s high court ruled taxpayer dollars can’t be used to pay for private school tuition.

The state Education Department had no immediate answers.

COLUMBIA — The state Supreme Court has thrown out South Carolina’s fledgling K-12 voucher program as unconstitutional, leaving GOP leaders scrambling on what to tell parents who have already received money.

The program already in place for this school year violates the state constitution’s prohibition against public dollars directly benefiting private schools, writes Justice Garry Hill for the majority.

“The tuition benefits directly subsidize the educational function of private schools,” Hill wrote.

Henry McMaster also pointed to those programs as one of the reasons his office will ask the state Supreme Court to quickly reconsider its ruling.

What that means for the nearly 3,000 students already enrolled is uncertain.

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