Friday, September 20, 2024

Rush to Use Ventilators Killed Thousands of COVID Patients

Thousands of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 died because of a rush to put people on ventilators — while denying them medications like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and vitamin D, according to respiratory therapist Mark Bishofsky.

“Many, many thousands” of COVID-19 patients died because they were put on ventilators and denied treatment with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine or even vitamin D, respiratory therapist Mark Bishofsky told CHD.TV.

They just want to see somebody they love.” For a while, the hospital allowed COVID-19 patients to receive a visit from a family member only if the patient agreed to be put on “comfort care.” “Once you’re put on comfort care,” he said, “life-saving measures are slowly withdrawn and the patient dies within minutes to hours — and these patients were submitting to this … a lot of these patients I know would have survived, but they wanted so badly to see a family member that they would submit to kind of being euthanized.” In other cases, COVID-19 patients died alone without family at their bedside.

“Many, many thousands of patients died because of this rush to early intubation and not allowing early treatment with medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine or even vitamin D — they wouldn’t even give these patients vitamin D. They just wanted to intubate them and put them on remdesivir.” Patients were being intubated “when they were needing as little as three liters of oxygen,” according to Bishofsky, who said he’d never seen that before in his 25 years of practice.

Doctors told Bishofsky it was simply the hospital’s protocol.

In a recent episode of “Good Morning CHD,” Bishofsky said he witnessed hospital staff opting to prematurely intubate many COVID-19 patients.

“These patients wanted to see family more than anything,” he said.

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