Sunday, September 22, 2024

Policing the Narrative

The U.S. Treasury Department has designated ten individuals and two entities connected to these activities, stating that their actions violate U.S. money laundering laws, criminal trademark laws, and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.

In our society's intricate web of power relations, we find ourselves entangled in a discourse of truth and falsehood, legitimacy and illegitimacy.

Consider the continued withholding of information about the Kennedy assassination: a perfect illustration of how power operates through the control of knowledge.

The Russia collusion narrative and the Steele dossier exemplify how power constructs its own truths.

These are not mere lies or mistakes but manifestations of how institutional power shapes reality through discourse.

Regardless, state manipulation is a problem, and no government is entirely free from censorship or propaganda because these elements are inherent in the nature of state power.

In our age of contested truths, the power to define reality is the ultimate sign of control.

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