Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mass Deportations would Reduce the Deficit.

Recent research by the Manhattan Institute suggests that border jumpers (no duh!

If you are a fiscally conscious voter, we have some good news.

The complete unroll is impressive (look here), but the gist is that the cost of illegal immigration is enormous and will quickly exceed the US Defense budget. That’s a pretty big number on something that is supposed to be a net good for the nation, and you’d be right to ask how adding this utterly unnecessary burden in addition to all the others is beneficial.

Seriously. If this sort of immigration were good, we’d add revenue, not lose it.

We are already over 35 trillion in debt. The fed meddling isn’t helping, and no one appears interested in stopping the bleeding. Inflation under Biden-Harris has become the economic long COVID, and recessions are inevitable (I’d argue we’ve been there already). And the longer we wait, the worse it will be for everyone, including the illegals.

Inflation under Biden-Harris has become the economic long COVID, and recessions are inevitable (I’d argue we’ve been there already).

First and foremost, stop doing what we’ve been doing and admit or accept that one election can’t fix it.

But you have to start somewhere, and deportations are the beginning of an easy fix.

They would be open to almost anything that would lessen the burden they long advocated and defended until they had to bear it. 


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