Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kids Got 5 Vaccine Shots In The 60s; Now The CDC Pushes 72 Shots, Most Before Age 6

Today, the CDC says that children need at least 72 vaccine shots, with the majority administered in mega doses before the child’s sixth birthday.

Healthy children in the 1960s received a grand total of five vaccine shots which was more than enough to keep them healthy, happy and out of harm’s way.

“In 1962, children received five vaccine doses.

“Shortly after the passage of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, the law was amended to … erect a liability shield protecting vaccine manufacturers — and the schedule expanded dramatically.” The vaccine schedule has continued to expand.

“The safety study for that hepatitis B vaccine was only four days long and had no placebo comparator.

In 1986, the schedule expanded to 25 doses of five different vaccine formulations.

Bigtree cited the Hepatitis B vaccine given to newborns as an example. 


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