Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Is There Election Fraud or Not?

One of the most revealing memes on the internet asks: “If the Biden-Harris administration has done such a great job, why does Kamala Harris promise that if elected, she will fix everything on Day 1?”

If everything’s swell, why does everything need fixing?

In Saturday’s Wall Street Journal, columnist Kimberley A. Strassel says the election is more at risk from federal Department of Justice meddling than from what the DOJ claims are Russian plans to influence voters with “disinformation.” Strassel asks now, “Which is more likely to influence a U.S. election?

The esteemed Wall Street Journal has been among establishmentarians who ridiculed Donald Trump for claiming that his re-election was foiled by a conspiracy that stole the election.

Just about every mainstream media outlet has bellowed that there was no proof of a rigged election.

But if elections are on the up-and-up, then why does virtually every Republican candidate now demand that steps be taken to “ensure election integrity”?

The claim since 2020 has been that the election was thoroughly investigated, and there was zero evidence of cheating.

Bogus registered voters remain an unsolved problem.  In recent cases, 17,000 non-citizens ineligible to vote for Congress and the president recently were removed from the rolls in just four states.  This is likely the tip of the iceberg.  Mind you, these are just the ones discovered by investigation.  Like illegal aliens pouring across the border, most won’t be detected or removed.

In Texas this month, the government removed a million bogus registered voters from the rolls because they were dead; had moved out of state; or, in the case of 6,500 of them, were apparent non-citizens ineligible to vote.

California state lawmakers have banned local laws requiring voter ID.  That enables anyone to pass himself off as one of the thousands of bogus registered voters on the rolls.  And then do it again, passing himself off as a different bogus registered voter, then again and again, etc.  What’s to stop them?

Here’s the catch: when it’s over, and the votes have been “counted” and “winners” announced, there’s no way anyone will be able to prove that the election wasn’t fair and honest.  The system will chalk up another O.J. Simpson acquittal: nothing to see here.  Move along. 


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