Monday, September 2, 2024

'Illegal retaliation': Doctor sues governor after fired for voicing sound medical opinion

Executive 'engaged in illegal retaliation and violated his First Amendment rights. People who serve in government positions do not lose their right to speak out on important issues'

A doctor in Wyoming is pursuing a First Amendment lawsuit against Wyoming Gov.

That law restricts physicians’ abilities to perform gender reassignment surgeries on minors.

The law passed, and was signed by Gordon, but then only a few weeks later, Gordon removed Cubin from his post on the state Board of Medicine, “explicitly citing Dr. Cubin’s personal email to the House of Representatives in support of Chloe’s Law as the reason for removal.” The legal team explained, “By firing Dr. Cubin for exercising his right to free speech, the Governor engaged in illegal retaliation and violated Dr. Cubin’s First Amendment rights.” Center lawyer Buck Dougherty said, “Governor Gordon unlawfully retaliated against Dr. Cubin for exercising his First Amendment rights.

I had been misrepresented by the Wyoming Medical Society and had no choice but to speak up for what I believe to be right.

Ironically, state lawmakers adopted and the Republican governor himself signed into law the proposal, known as Chloe’s Law, that was in dispute.

The problem was that the Wyoming Medical Society, of which Cubin was a member, opposed the plan.

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