Friday, September 20, 2024

How a circle of spies, Blinken covered up Biden scandals: Miranda Devine’s new book exclusive

Hunter Biden’s abandoned MacBook was a window into the Biden family business, a secret international influence peddling operation. New York Post columnist Miranda Devine, who exposed many of Hunter’s secrets in her book “Laptop from Hell,” returns with “The Big Guy,” the story of how the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, the IRS and the Department of Justice conspired to protect Joe Biden and his family.

His wife, Evan Ryan, a comely former Hillary Clinton staffer, worked on that campaign as deputy manager and went on to become White House cabinet secretary in the Biden administration.

As different as they were, Blinken’s career became firmly entwined with Joe’s over the decades. When Joe was tapped by Barack Obama to be his running mate, Blinken became national security advisor to the vice president and rose to deputy secretary of state. He waited out the Trump years in a series of lucrative consultancies and ran Joe’s University of Pennsylvania think tank, the Penn Biden Center.

Here, an exclusive first excerpt: With his floppy hair, European reserve, and bilingual fluency, Antony Blinken’s foreign affairs pedigree could not have been designed better to impress Joe Biden.

Joe Biden, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, identified the urbane young staffer early on as a “superstar” and a useful source of the erudition he lacked.

Like Morell, the Dirty 51 were part of Washington’s cozy, bipartisan consensus of the spook, military and foreign policy elite that Obama officials dubbed the “Blob.”

These are the people responsible for the weapons-of-mass-destruction intelligence hoax that justified the Iraq war, and the warrantless spying on American citizens that followed 9/11. They are devotees of color revolutions and regime change to preserve US global dominance. They work together in the same think tanks and lucrative consultancy firms. They speak at the same events and on liberal TV shows, write for the same publications, pal around with the same journalists, and some even pretend to be journalists. They retweet each other’s anti-Trump memes and share hawkish views about Russia.

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