Saturday, September 21, 2024

House Committee Drops Transcripts They Say PROVE Pentagon Ignored Trump's J6 National Guard Request

We’ve seen a lot of dishonest statements and allegations from the left about the events of Jan. 6 at the Capitol, with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the corrupt J6 Committee dropping the most disinformation.

He never requested the National Guard, the narrative goes.

It is very concerning that these Senior Pentagon officials ignored President Trump’s guidance AND misled Congressional Leaders to believe they were doing their job, when they were not.

In a press release Friday, Loudermilk said the Pentagon brass simply ignored Trump’s requests: “Pentagon leadership prioritized concerns of optics over their duty to protect lives,” said Chairman Loudermilk.

“President Trump met with senior Pentagon leaders and directed them to make sure any events on January 6, 2021 were safe.

We’ve seen so many lies told about what really went down, but these transcripts certainly seem to prove that Trump not only anticipated possible violence—but tried to prevent it.

One of the longest-running allegations is that Donald Trump knew violence was coming but did nothing to stop it.

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