Monday, September 2, 2024

Hiding Candidates Is Now SOP for Democrats

After what they regarded as a disastrous 2016 defeat, they began shifting their focus from convincing voters to cast ballots for their candidates and instead concentrated on manipulating the electoral machinery of competitive states.

Critics of Vice President Kamala Harris and her counterfeit presidential campaign have failed to grasp what should have become obvious by now.

The people who actually run the Democratic Party have changed their default strategy for winning major elections.

Their election strategy in 2024 is no different than their 2020 strategy.

They colluded with the Democratic Party to install a cipher in the White House who could be easily controlled.

This strategy relieves them of the need to run honest or coherent candidates.

How did basement-bound Joe Biden manage to “win” 81,283,501 popular votes and a 306-232 victory in the Electoral College? 

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