Friday, September 20, 2024

Former Democratic Operative Pens Damning Indictment After DNC Experience: ‘The Democratic Party Has Lost Its Way Entirely’

The Gateway Pundit reported on Evan Barker, a former Obama intern and lifelong Democrat, who left the party after what she saw as a volunteer at the Democratic National Convention.

But there was one constant: Many of my family members are proud construction workers and lifelong union members.

Every time the elites chanted “We’re not going back,” what I heard was, “We’re not going back to the party your union family members used to vote for.” Her conclusion: “The Democratic Party has lost its way entirely.” Barker shares, “They mostly speak to the college educated, the urban and affluent, in their language.

Initially, Barker said she was “thrilled” to volunteer at the DNC after dedicating much of her career to working in ‘progressive politics.’ Although she expected to come away from the experience with a renewed faith in the Democrat Party, instead, she found herself disillusioned and feeling that the party is “totally out of touch with everyday Americans and their pressing needs.” Barker shares that she was raised in a family of blue-collar union Democrats near Kansas City, a “long ways away from the glitz, glamor, and ostentatious wealth I’d become accustomed to seeing in and around Democratic politics.” My family background is messy.

Fast forward to today, and many of those same family members are no longer Democrats.

On Tuesday, Barker, in an op-ed for Newsweek, expanded on why she became so “disenchanted” with Democrat leadership despite raising “tens of millions of dollars” for them and why she left the party.

Their tone is condescending and paternalistic.” She concluded, “They peddle giveaways to the college-educated like student loan forgiveness plans that disproportionately help their base, snubbing the majority of the country without a four-year degree, and then offer no tangible plans for true reform.” Evan shared on X, “After years working inside Democrat campaigns, I see it now—the system isn’t broken, it’s working as designed.” “I’m done with the Democrats & I’m #NotGoingBack.”

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