Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes: FBI Says Crime Is Down

By now you’re probably used to being told that what you think you can see with your own eyes isn’t true.

Did you notice changes in your child’s behavior after vaccination? No, you didn’t. The experts say  vaccines are totally completely 100 percent honest to goodness safe. 

Instead, you should trust the experts.

Well, because reporting is voluntary on the part of cities and states, and the latest FBI crime stats have huge, gaping holes—there is no data from crime in New York City or Los Angeles.

The experts say so.

No, friends, you haven’t seen what you think you’ve seen.

The experts say vaccines are totally completely 100 percent honest to goodness safe.

And you can trust NBC, because they put it in a headline: Except crime is not down, as anyone with eyes can see. The statistics say so.

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