Thursday, September 12, 2024

DOJ Immigration Attorney: Biden Has Authority to End Illegal Immigration, But Democrat Megadonors Control Border Agenda

Christian Cooper, a Special Assistant on Immigration Litigation U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Department of Justice said on undercover video: Joe Biden has the authority to end illegal immigration but Democrat megadonors control the immigration agenda.

President Joe Biden has the authority to close the U.S. Southern Border, but refuses to do so because he is controlled by Democrat mega donors and special interests, a Department of Justice Attorney reveals to Project Veritas.

I think… Mayorkas may have the power to do that.” Christian Cooper, a DOJ Attorney specializing in immigration litigation at the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], told a Project Veritas journalist that President Joe Biden and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas won’t end the overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants to the U.S. because Democrat mega donors and special interests control the Democrat party.

I think… [Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro] Mayorkas may have the power to do that.” Christian Cooper, a DOJ Attorney specializing in immigration litigation at the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], told a Project Veritas journalist that President Joe Biden and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas won’t end the overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants to the U.S. because Democrat mega donors and special interests control the Democrat party and thereby control the border.

“I don’t think they want that look unless it’s really necessary.” President Joe Biden has the authority to close the U.S. Southern Border, but refuses to do so because he is controlled by Democrat mega donors and special interests, a Department of Justice Attorney reveals to Project Veritas.

They have the most influence on the elected officials because they give the most money.” Cooper, an attorney, surprisingly tells Project Veritas that DHS Secretary Mayorkas, also an attorney, doesn’t understand that the Immigration Nationality Act gives him legal authority to protect America’s sovereignty by closing the Southern border.

“I personally think Biden has the power to do that [close the Southern border].

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