Saturday, September 21, 2024

Could Bird Flu Be the October Surprise?

In its current iteration, bird flu has caused no widespread human illness, no human deaths, and sporadic outbreaks in farm animal populations. However, it could be applied to disrupt the November 5 US Presidential election.

Just a few months ago, former CDC director Robert Redfield publicly described Bird flu as the likely next pandemic - predicting a laboratory-leaked virus as the cause.

Deborah Birx, aka the "Scarf Lady" of Covid infamy, was making the TV news, promoting an unrealistic and excessive program of testing farm animals and humans for Bird flu.

Regarding bird flu, we should remain mindful of the following.

In its current iteration, bird flu has caused no widespread human illness, no human deaths, and sporadic outbreaks in farm animal populations.

The "International Bird Flu Summit" will be held on October 2-4, 2024 at the Hilton Fairfax in Fairfax, VA - just outside Washington, DC - exactly one month prior to the election.

The infrastructure is already in place for a "Pandemic" of bird flu, much more than it is for other potential pathogens.

The development of bird flu vaccines has increased dramatically.

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