Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Corrupt ‘Reporters’ Like Olivia Nuzzi Are Destroying Democracy

Nuzzi told The New York Times that the relationship lasted from last December through last month.

In July, Nuzzi wrote a story about the "Conspiracy of silence" surrounding Joe Biden's declining health.

In the story, Nuzzi admitted that she began hearing disturbing stories about Biden's increasing mental and physical fragility beginning in January.

In the July story, Nuzzi discussed events she personally witnessed at the White House Correspondents' Dinner in April, when Biden had, to her eyes, seemed very out-of-sorts.

Massive Evidence of Bias - and Election Interference I emailed press contacts for New York Magazine about their Thursday statement, which stated that "An internal review of her published work has found no inaccuracies nor evidence of bias." I asked specifically about the claim of no "Evidence of bias" related to Nuzzi not publishing information about Biden's infirmities until after the June debate.

The Democrats who might have wanted to vote in the primaries for a candidate other than Biden, particularly if they knew about his deteriorating health, won't get a do-over, so why should Nuzzi? But on the other hand, as appalling as Nuzzi's behavior is, it doesn't seem that surprising.

Nuzzi just made the fatal mistakes of 1) layering an inappropriate personal relationship on top of typical left-wing bias and 2) saying the quiet part out loud when it comes to the press' Biden omerta.


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