Monday, September 2, 2024

Bitcoin: The Inverse of Clown World

Unfolding across America and the world is a new, parallel economy—nay, even a parallel life. It started with the most promising solution to a broken money and headed downstream from there. Inflation, money printing, misallocation of resources, central bank bailouts, and interventions—many of us saw these for what they were and recognized how damaging their mishandling has become to economic affairs and the fabric of society itself.

The new world unfolding is slowly making the legacy one obsolete.

To assist you and bring you some needed entertainment on the journey, is Knut Svanholm, author of Bitcoin: Everything Divided by 21 Million and Praxeology, last year's excellent attempt at marrying the worlds of Bitcoin and Austrian economics.

He has now teamed up with his podcast sidekick, Luke de Wolf, in producing Bitcoin: The Inverse of Clown World.

It's a freedom manifesto, a rallying cry for a better world, and a hilarious anti-festschrift for the broken, clownish world we see around us.

The allure of The Inverse of Clown World is to see that all the madness in the world-political grandstanding, gender delusions, the broad moral, fiscal, monetary, and political decay-calls out for an explanation.

The learning and opportunities for self-reflection contained in Inverse of Clown World and the spot-on humor with which it is delivered just might alter your way of looking at things.

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