Tuesday, September 27, 2022

How The ACLU Abuses The Tax Code To Campaign For Democrats

 The ACLU has become just another arm of the Democrats and its leftist political vanguard

  • In 2016, the ACLU reported total net assets of 274 million dollars. By 2021, they had shot up to 748 million.
  • The secret of the ACLU’s financial strategy? The secret is that it had invested in Trump
  • Its financial numbers reflect the former civil rights organization before Trump while the latter are the powerhouse numbers after the former president
  • Anthony Romero, the new executive director at the ACLU, bragged that his salary went from $300,000 in 2009 to $747,883 last year
  • Vice President Biden boasted about breaking records for online political fundraising following the announcement of Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate, but forgot to mention that the organization had spent $800,000 on an ad campaign promoting her during the election


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