Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Very few policymakers even concede that Washington’s overseas military adventures often have not turned out as planned.

 The performance of U.S. leaders after the Cold War has been even worse

  • An array of disruptive, bloody tragedies-most notably those in the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen-mark Uncle Sam's global trail of wreckage.
  • Very few policymakers even concede that Washington's overseas military adventures often have not turned out as planned
  • The news media, which is supposed to serve as the public's watchdog, have routinely ignored or excused America's foreign-policy disasters

The elites' post-Cold War track record is not a pretty one

  • Despite the passage of 27 years, Bosnia is no closer to being a viable, united country today than it was in the mid-1990s
  • The three antagonistic ethnic groups still refuse to cooperate, and the Serbs even periodically threaten to secede
  • NATO's intervention merely may have postponed the day of reckoning for Bosnia, and Kosovo remains a powder keg

The level of human tragedy in Libya and Yemen is horrifying

  • Washington and its NATO allies bear almost exclusive responsibility for the situation in Libya.
  • U.S. and NATO air strikes played a decisive role in overthrowing Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi in 2011
  • Libya thereafter became an arena of chaos as a multitude of militias vied for power, displacing more than a million residents
  • The turmoil in Iraq is less severe, but is still damaging the country. Political disputes and mass demonstrations against the current government regularly surface in Iraq.

The U.S. foreign-policy record over the past three decades could hardly be worse

  • It is crucial not to let policymakers and their media mouthpieces get away with convenient collective amnesia and imitations of Pontius Pilate

Washington should utterly renounce nation-building

  • Trying to remake alien societies by force and impose Western political, economic, and social values is the essence of folly
  • The United States must avoid the temptation to engage in regime-change wars
  • Such offensives often are a prelude to disastrous nation building ventures
  • U.S. leaders must do a much better job of distinguishing vital national interests from secondary or peripheral ones

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