Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Prison withholds medicine from COVID-19-infected former GOP congressman

A veteran conservative activist is calling for an emergency investigation into what he describes as the "Legally actionable willful misconduct" by federal prison officials who have refused to provide doctor-prescribed medications to former Republican Rep. Steve Stockman, who was diagnosed with COVID-19 just days ago.

Stockman, who already suffers from a number of health conditions putting him in severe danger with a coronavirus diagnosis, was "Being deprived medicine and hospital treatment to save his life," Viguerie said.

"Steve was returned to prison, which has refused to fill his prescription for hydroxychloroquine. Also, since February the prison has denied him zinc, which has known benefits in the prevention or treatment of COVID-19," Viguerie said.

He pleaded with concerned Americans to Garrido at 727 8172 and the Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons Michael Carvajal at 307-3198 "And ask why Steve Stockman is being deprived of potentially life-saving medicine and medical treatment."

She confirmed that the prison had provided an antibiotic prescription but "Refused to fill hydroxychloroquine. Apparently, the prison doctor doesn't approve of the drug. Nor has the prison filled Steve's long-standing and administered prescription for Zinc - which boosts immunities."

"The last time they filled the prescription was in February, but not again during all the COVID outbreak nationwide. Of course, hydroxychloroquine works hand-in-glove with Zinc in treating COVID. The ER doctor had told Steve that he may read a lot of negative commentaries about the drug, but that they see many COVID patients day-in and day-out, 'and this medication works!' Yet the prison doctor who gives no medication to the suffering inmates knows better," Patti Stockman said.

Across the nation, federal prison officials have released tens of thousands of inmates because of concerns they would be infected with COVID-19.

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