Monday, August 24, 2020

Biden's Speech: Use COVID to Destroy Everything, Blame Trump

Has Biden not looked around and seen the multiplying protests worldwide against these idiotic and tyrannical lock downs?

I've been quite clear that the Democrats have used COVID-19 as an excuse to destroy the U.S. economy and blame it on President Trump.

Biden is playing to his base that wrongly believes the path to safety from the virus is more draconian lockdowns rather than building herd immunity, as we've seen in places like Sweden.

Locking down the healthy is honestly moronic, and if I believed for one second that Biden was actually crafting his policy points, then I would present his comments as prima facia evidence of his declining mental capacity.

Biden is trying to make sound reasonable a policy plank that is nothing less than fear-mongering.

How likely is it that the economic situation in the country would have been different if Biden had been president?

Biden would still be presiding over a financial crisis, but the political crisis in the U.S. wouldn't look like it does today with the degradation of the two sides, rioting in cities subsidized by local governments, and counter-productive lockdowns. 

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