Sunday, August 2, 2020

America, You've Really Had a Wonderful Life

In this new world, our beloved country is now the People's Republic of America.

In the People's Republic, people stand helplessly by as their jobs disappear, as shortages of water, meat, toilet paper, and other essentials drive hoarding, panic.

In the People's Republic, it doesn't matter what people want; they'll get only what they need to survive.

In the People's Republic, the Constitution is dead, the Declaration of Independence but a memory.

Media savage the American people with a daily dose of fear, panic over an epidemic that doesn't threaten our country's survival but promises to destroy our country's economy, our spirit, our liberty.

In the People's Republic, these aren't accomplishments - merely proof of white supremacy, proof of capitalist greed.

For those who think government seizure of private business is justified because a pandemic calls for drastic measures or who see house arrest as citizens just doing their part, or excuse rampant anarchy and violent mobs because we're all racists and need to be punished, you've found your home: the People's Republic of America.

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