Monday, May 4, 2020

The Smoking Gun in the China Virus Caper

Such thinking is evident in media stories about the "Accidental" nature of where and how the China virus came to be.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence said last week that the Intelligence Community "Concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified." Our intelligence agencies have gotten it wrong before.

Where is the "Smoking gun" to prove somebody actually engineered a virus that has killed thousands of people?

Despite China's history of killing hundreds of millions of its own people, it is now supposed to be off-limits to think the regime would deliberately or intentionally release a virus to kill or poison their own people.

For some reason, despite China's history of killing hundreds of millions of its own people, it is now supposed to be off-limits to think the regime would deliberately or intentionally release a virus to kill or poison their own people as well as people around the world.

Even the liberal media now concede China lied about the release and nature of the virus, and permitted their own infected people to travel the globe before the rest of the world caught on.

The only questions at this point are whether people like NIH director Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci knew what was going on, and how many millions of dollars their agencies and departments shipped over there for dangerous virus research.

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