Friday, May 22, 2020

The Origin of 'News Stories' in 'The Time of Coronavirus'

Stories made up from whole cloth have been trending madly ever since Christopher Steele's Dirty Dossier found success with the gossip-mongering Democrats.

Stories are always so much more fun to write when they can be published devoid of all facts.

Making up stories goes on in almost every news room, any hour during the live-long day.

You can take her word for it, as she goes unnamed other than her given name as Kim.

"Kim, who doesn't want to show her face or give her full name, says after the pandemic began, she only left her Oconomowoc home to go the grocery store."

"Kim said even though she took precautions when leaving the house for the grocery store, she thought she would be safe because of what President Donald Trump has said about the drug."

Note to all Oconomowocker citizen journalists: "Did any of you see 'Kim' licking all the lamp posts on her way back from the grocery store?".

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