Friday, May 22, 2020

Playing Dumb About Obamagate

Liberals are dismissing "Obamagate" as another one of Donald Trump's "Conspiracy theories." Never mind that Trump has been right from the beginning about the Obama administration spying on his campaign.

James Comey sanctimoniously denied spying on Trump Tower, even as spying warrants giving him the power to intercept communications there sat on his desk.

Liberals' presumption about Obama is little different: if he did something, their attitude goes, it can't be wrong.

Just as Obama can do no wrong in the media's reckoning, Trump can never be right.

Of course, many of the media figures calling Obamagate a "Distraction" are buddies with its architects.

To the extent that the media covers the Obama administration's spying on the Trump campaign at all, it presents the espionage in the most innocuous terms.

Some liberals have ludicrously suggested that it would have been a "Dereliction of duty" if the Obama administration hadn't spied on the Trump campaign.

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