Friday, May 22, 2020

Photo surfaces of Trump wearing mask at Ford plant

Trump was photographed at a Ford factory in Michigan wearing a face mask while taking a tour of the facility on Thursday.

The photograph, which was published by the Detroit Free Press, shows the president wearing a face mask while interacting with Ford Motor Company Executive Chairman Bill Ford Jr.President Trump wears a mask during his tour of the Ford Rawsonville Components Plant in Ypsilanti, Michigan, where ventilators, masks and other medical supplies are being manufactured.

Following the tour, the president spoke to reporters without wearing a face mask.

Trump said company officials told him that a mask was not necessary during the tour.

Ford said in a statement shortly following the visit that the company chairman encouraged Trump to wear a mask when he arrived at the facility.

  "He wore a mask during a private viewing of three Ford GTs from over the years. The President later removed the mask for the remainder of the visit," the company said.

The White House has argued that because Trump is tested regularly and has not reported a positive test, there is no need for him to wear a mask.

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