Friday, May 1, 2020

Malignant Hypocrisy: The Democrats’ lynching of Brett Kavanaugh.

To understand the depths of hypocrisy and bad faith to which the Democrat Party has descended it is well to remember the basic details of the Kavanaugh case.

As the hearings drew to a close in late September, and Kavanaugh's confirmation appeared inevitable, the ranking Democrat on the committee, Senator Dianne Feinstein, produced a letter she had been holding since early July with an explosive charge.

The moment Kavanaugh's nomination became public, Ford sent letters to Senator Feinstein and Democrat congresswoman, Anna Eshoo, and also to the Washington Post, detailing her allegations.

Without consulting Ford, the Democrats leaked her name to the press, probably realizing that a faceless accuser would lack the credibility necessary to kill the Kavanaugh nomination.

Christine Ford's determination to destroy Kavanaugh and his family while she remained anonymous, should have sounded alarm bells about her character to her Democrat sponsors as well as to Kavanaugh's Republican defenders.

The feminist Morality Play and the Democrats' agenda to kill the Kavanaugh nomination, along with Christine Blasey Ford's political vendetta required it.

The additional damaging accusations, to which Kavanaugh referred, came from two women who stepped forward with preposterous character-destroying claims that the Democrats in their zeal to discredit a political opponent claimed to find credible.

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