Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"Like It Was Designed To Infect Humans": COVID-19 'Cell Culture' Theory Gains Steam

A scientific study which found COVID-19 may have been a "Cell-culture" uniquely adapted for transmission to humans, is gaining steam.

"The two possibilities which I think are both still open is that it was a chance transmission of a virus from an as yet unidentified animal to human. The other possibility is that it was an accidental release of the virus from a laboratory," said Petrovsky, adding "Certainly we can't exclude the possibility that this came from a laboratory experiment rather than from an animal. They are both open possibilities."

The study showed the virus bound more tightly to human-ACE2 than to any of the other animals they tested.

"If you have cells in culture and you have human cells in that culture which the viruses are infecting, then if there are two viruses in that dish, they can swap genetic information and you can accidentally or deliberately create a whole third new virus out of that system."

According to the report, he then began to explore "What animal species might have been involved in the transmission to humans" in order to better understand the origins of the virus, when he discovered how well it infects humans over other species.

When asked why mainstream scientists are still clinging to the theory that the virus originated in a Wuhan wet market, he said that scientists "Try not to be political" but that that scientists who support the lab escape theory risk negatively impacting their industry with tighter laboratory controls.

"For instance, if it was to turn out that this virus may have come about because of an accidental lab release that would have implications for how we do viral research in laboratories all around the world which could make doing research much harder," he said, adding "So I think the inclination of virus researchers would be to presume that it came from an animal until proven otherwise because that would have less ramifications for how we are able to do research in the future. The alternative obviously has quite major implications for science and science on viruses, not just obviously political ramifications which we're all well aware of."


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