Saturday, May 23, 2020

Joe Biden's Hard-Left Turn: Will Americans Sign Up for Fundamental Transformation?

Buoyed by polls that show Joe Biden consistently leading President Trump, and jarred by the economic and social toll of the coronavirus, Democrats have become more ambitious.

Neither Pelosi nor Biden has given any indication that the message was received.

Biden won the nomination by assembling a coalition that looked a lot like the voters who empowered the House Democratic majority: suburban women, moderates, African Americans.

A candidate from the Midwest or South will signal that Biden is more interested in the middle of the country than the middle of the Democratic Party.

One from Massachusetts or California or the media will suggest that not only is Biden worried about his left flank, he also intends to make good his promise of national transformation.

In such a scenario Pelosi and Schumer would take the lead on domestic policy while Biden concentrates on foreign affairs.

If they win - and if we take them at their word - Joe Biden and the Democrats are setting themselves up for one heck of a fall.

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