Monday, May 25, 2020

Joe Biden Says There's 'No Evidence Whatsoever' Of Fraud In Mail-In Voting

The presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appeared on WISN's "Up Front" on Sunday, where the former vice president said there was "No evidence whatsoever" that mail-in voting could be affected by fraud.

Biden: 'There's no evidence whatsoever' of fraud in mail-in voting.

Biden replied, "I will tell you what, you mean Trump fraud? Look, he's sitting in the White House filling out absentee ballots to vote in a primary in Florida. Now, why is it not fraud when he does it, and anyone else would do it?".

"There's no evidence whatsoever," Biden added.

"We ought to be able to make sure that we have ballot by mail, early voting, and in-person voting," he continued.

President Trump tweeted on Sunday, "The United States cannot have all Mail In Ballots. It will be the greatest Rigged Election in history. People grab them from mailboxes, print thousands of forgeries and 'force' people to sign. Also, forge names. Some absentee OK, when necessary. Trying to use Covid for this Scam!".

President Trump is right to worry about the integrity of mail-in voting.

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