Saturday, May 23, 2020

Hospital restricts prominent doctor from treating COVID with hydroxychloroquine

The infectious-disease specialist who briefed President Trump last month on the safety and effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine will no longer be allowed to prescribe the drug to patients at the New York City-area hospital where he has admitting privileges unless it's done in a clinical trial.

In an interview with WND on Wednesday, Smith expressed his frustration with the the politicization of the issue and the disconnect between the scientific data on hydroxychloroquine and the statements of scientists, media and politicians who have access to that data.

In a memo provided to physicians, the committee said it recommended "That patients with COVID-19 receive treatment with hydroxychloroquine only as a part of an investigational study."

On its website, the FDA "Cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems."

In the interview Wednesday, Smith pointed out that in the 400 clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine the FDA has approved, not one requires EKG monitoring.

Smith addressed a study published Friday by The Lancet of nearly 100,000 coronavirus patients that concluded there was no benefit in treating them with hydroxychloroquine and its more toxic cousin, chloroquine, and even increased the likelihood of them dying in hospital.

The four regimens were hydroxychloroquine alone, chlorquine alone, hydroxychloroquine with a macrolide, and chloroquine and a macrolide.

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