Sunday, May 24, 2020

Death, Politics and the Nursing Homes

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5.1 million people live in nursing homes or residential care facilities, representing 1.6% of the U.S. population.

Probably the biggest and deadliest mistake was New York's requirement that recovering patients with COVID-19 be accepted by nursing homes.

Cuomo has now tacitly admitted the error by reversing the policy, requiring patients to test negative before they are sent to nursing homes.

The governors of California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey adopted the same stupid rule to place COVID-19 infected patients in nursing homes for the elderly, resulting in high mortality rates there.

"This approach will introduce the highly contagious virus into more nursing homes. There will be more hospitalizations for nursing home residents who need ventilator care and ultimately, a higher number of deaths. Issuing such an order is a mistake and there is a better solution," American Health Care Association President and CEO Mark Parkinson announced in March after New York's order went into effect.

"To have a mandate that nursing homes accept COVID-19 patients has put many people in grave danger," Mollot told the Bucks County Courier Time.

The skyrocketing nursing home death rates are not the whole of the deaths caused by top-down mismanagement of what, it seems from the most accurate sources, was hardly more dangerous to the general population than the normal flu.

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