Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Cooking the Books on COVID-19 Deaths

If more deaths are better for the Democrat and media narrative, expect to see inflated death counts, erroneously blaming non-virus deaths on the virus.

New York provides a good example, which might explain why the NY metro area is responsible for almost half of COVID deaths in the U.S. In mid-April the NYC death count spiked.

A one day increase in 3700 deaths? This was not due to the virus but instead to cooking the books, or death based on presumption.

Having a fever or cough at the time of death doesn't mean COVID caused the death, particularly if the patient already had other serious medical problems.

In Washington, anyone testing positive for COVID-19 is included in the COVID death count.

This includes 5 deaths due to gunshot wounds, which were counted as COVID deaths.

In Colorado, a man died of alcohol poisoning, seven times the legal limit, yet he was classified as a COVID death simply because he tested positive for the Wuhan virus.


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