Tuesday, May 26, 2020

ACLU Defends Free Speech Rights of Corporations to Censor Conservatives

Within a generation, unions pivoted from opposing illegal immigration to supporting it, and feminist groups decided within a few months that women should no longer be believed, but the ACLU's transformation from a lefty civil rights group to an advocacy group has been the biggest farce yet.

These days the ACLU is fighting against due process on campus and for the free speech rights.... ... of major corporations.

Enter the ACLU. The American Civil Liberties Union's senior legislative counsel Kate Ruane said any moves by the government carry significant risk of misfiring because of the companies' free-speech rights and other concerns.

If corporations have free speech rights that encompass controlling what everyone using their platform says, I assume that the ACLU is also cool with corporations banning union organizing on its premises?

Is the ACLU also good with conservatives buying AT&T and using an algorithm to listen to calls and disconnect any conversation where the name ACLU is uttered without an accompanying pejorative?

The ACLU has gone from fighting for the right of Nazis to march in a Jewish neighborhood to arguing that Big Tech corporations have a free speech right to censor conservatives.

The ACLU believes Facebook has no right to censor statue nudity, but has a right to censor political speech.


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