Thursday, January 24, 2019


Unsavory facts have emerged about the obnoxious Indian activist Nathan Phillips who accosted Catholic high schooler Nick Sandmann at the Lincoln Memorial for being a white male Trump supporter.

The showdown between Sandmann and Phillips sparked a massive leftist-led social media meltdown in which the mainstream media and leftists spewed bile at the student and his classmates, including demands that they be murdered.

Video after video shows Phillips getting too close for comfort to Sandmann who at times stared back at him or grinned.

Sandmann simply stood there stoically and took the abuse, which consisted in part of having a drum pounded loudly in his face, from Phillips without responding.

"Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War," the correction began.

Although Phillips has self-servingly described himself as a peacemaker, he has refused an invitation to meet with the young men of Covington Catholic High School who were at the Lincoln Memorial and whom he has said should be expelled, the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.

Phillips called Sandmann a liar, saying he "Needs to put out a different statement."

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