Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Stacey Abrams Responding to The SOTU is Indicative of Today's Democrat Party

Yesterday the Democrats announced that failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams would give the response to Donald Trump's State of the Union address which is scheduled to occur on February 5th. I have to admit that if aliens were to land in America and I had to explain the current Democrat party this would be at the top of my examples on why I believe they're ridiculous and should not be taken seriously.

Stacey Abrams' defeat in Georgia was our roadmap to how the Democrats will treat any and every loss of an important race from here on out, and that should worry everyone.

On November 7th when votes were tallied and it showed that Brian Kemp won with 50.3% of the vote and Abrams with 48.7% we saw exactly who the Democrat party is today.

Stacey Abrams refused to concede the vote, instead she whipped her supporters into a frenzy over baseless claims of voter suppression and racism, the ubiquitous claim all too common from Democrats that requires no proof, and is precisely why Democrats seek out minority candidates in the first place.

Stacey Abrams is the perfect embodiment of the modern Democrat party.

We all know that it wasn't a poignant or calculated response from Democrats, it's the new standard of Democrat politics that they put a minority female in front of the camera so they can then call anyone who refutes her statements a misogyracist and then they don't have to face any actual criticism of their policies.

To be fair to our brothers and sisters in the Democrat party, they are still a little shy over making speeches after President Trump because of what happened the last time.

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