Friday, January 25, 2019

Lack of data makes illegal-alien crime rate hard to determine.

Critics of illegal immigration argue that the crime rates of illegal aliens are higher than those of the American population generally, or at least of legal immigrants.

The New York Times has denied that illegals commit more crime than other groups, but the paper bases its claim on a Cato Institute study that relies on questionable data.

Nobody can calculate with accuracy the crime rates of illegal immigrants or any other social group unless they have reliable data on the size of the group, and we simply don't know how many illegal aliens there are in the United States.

Nationwide data on crime by illegal aliens is unavailable mainly because most states don't keep such records.

Still, illegal aliens account for nearly 10 percent of the apprehended murderers in Texas, and over 39,000 of the annual arrests for crime overall.

These figures are significant, reflecting crime in a single state with an outsize number of illegal aliens-a small part of the nationwide picture.

No amount of crime by those who enter this country unlawfully should be acceptable, because it is "Extra" crime that wouldn't occur if our border security were effective.

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