Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Beijing Set for 'Ideological Battle' with U.S.

After decades of asserting China posed little threat, senior U.S. intelligence leaders on Tuesday warned Congress Beijing now represents the most significant challenge to American security as China prepares for ideological war against the U.S.-led democratic system.

Major Chinese advances were the result of large-scale theft of American technology and other intellectual property, and inserting Chinese agents in U.S. laboratories to steal know-how for China.

Coats in his prepared statement warned that China is preparing for a "Coming ideological battle" with the United States.

"Chinese leaders will increasingly seek to assert China's model of authoritarian capitalism as an alternative-and implicitly superior-development path abroad, exacerbating great-power competition that could threaten international support for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law," he stated.

"The lines between the Chinese government and Chinese Communist Party are blurred if not totally erased," Wray said.

The DIA director described the Chinese system as "Authoritarian capitalism" with the government and Party controlling Chinese companies and requiring they provide business and other information to Beijing.

In his prepared statement, Coats provided additional details of the growing threat from China in Asia and beyond as the Chinese Communist Party is "Deepening its authoritarian turn" under Xi. Xi's hardline policies are increasing the risks of a decline in U.S.-China relations.

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