Monday, January 28, 2019

'Fair Share?!?' Government Needs to Get Back Into the Equal Protection Business

Are you a member of this or that government un-preferred group? Government dumps all over you.

Of course, the fake Bronx-reared's and the fake Indian's proposed progressive taxes - and the entirety of our progressive tax code - is in violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of our Constitution.

To wit: The very stupid - and very misnamed - government Internet power grab Network Neutrality.

The massive Big Tech companies used their massiveness to get the ridiculously crony Barack Obama Administration to unilaterally impose Net Neutrality - in an extraordinarily non-neutral fashion.

Did the Net Neutrality these massive Big Tech companies spent years and billions of dollars pushing to impose - apply to them? Heavens no.

You know what that Net Neutrality did do? It forced the comparatively puny ISPs - to give unlimited free bandwidth to these massive Big Tech companies.

We have forever said such a Net Neutrality law - should apply to ISPsAND the massive Big Tech companies.

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