Thursday, December 24, 2015

Will Democrats ever confront the truth?

1) Polls show that, by a large margin, Americans feel we're on the wrong track, both economically and as to foreign policy. Yet none of you offers any criticism of President Barack Obama, who has been in charge for the last seven years. Why, then, should Americans believe that four more years, under your leadership, would be any different from the last seven?
2) Sen. Sanders, you've called for a $15-per-hour minimum wage. But even Vice President Joe Biden's economist, Jared Bernstein, considers a $15 hourly rate so high that it would cause an unacceptable loss of jobs. Is he wrong?
3) Secretary Clinton, you advocate "debt-free tuition," and Sen. Sanders, you want free universal health coverage and paid family medical leave. You both say that you can accomplish this by raising taxes on the rich. But isn't it true that if you completely confiscated the earnings of the top 1 percent, you couldn't fund the current obligations of the federal government, let alone the new programs you want? 

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