Friday, December 11, 2015

Lets Get Real

This item continues the theme of revealing truths that progressive liberals/Democrats prefer remain suppressed.  We all need to insist that the lies end and be replaced by truth.  Give each and every item you choose to read its due. In this specific note it is my hope that you read them all.  If you do not believe some of what you read do your own research.  Nothing here is contrived.  The facts stand on their own.  Check them out to either confirm or refute.  Included are shameful revelations and relevant discussion pieces.  I do not make this stuff up and would not share this content if it were not true or void of meaningful content. 

I have on occasion shared background on the history and negative impacts progressivism has had on our country and many of our fellow citizens.  This is a good synopsis of an upcoming book, Illiberal Reformers, by Princeton University professor, Dr. Thomas C. Leonard, due to be released by Princeton University Press next February.  Contents of the linked review suggests that all of us should read it.  Quote: "Leonard introduces many of the guiding lights, particularly among economists of the Progressive Era from 1877-1917, when “a crusade to reform and remake American government” was largely accomplished by the end of Woodrow Wilson’s first Presidential term. By then, the foundation for “a new regulating edifice” was complete upon which was built the “fourth branch of government.” Construction followed the “twin principles at Progressivism’s core”: (1) government guided by science, not politics; and (2) an industrialized economy directed by “the visible hand of a modern administrative state.”  The historical events described in the book are well known. What is not well known is the litany of multiple, unfortunate, social consequences of progressivism that Leonard describes as he enters territory that may unsettle those who look back on the birth of the modern administrative state through rose-colored glasses. Much of it isn’t pretty – some of it is ugly."  And, "Near the end of his book, Leonard concludes that “Illiberal Reformers has shown that progressives dismissed not just economic liberties but also the most basic civil liberties, threatening individual rights to person, to bodily integrity, to marriage, and to reproduction, all in the name of protecting society.  In proposing an American nation, making the United States singular rather than plural, the progressives turned illiberal.”  Hence the title of his book."

This is a good follow-up to the previous item.  It provides the source, history and the damage being done by rampant political correctness, a creation of progressive thought.  This is a quote the author lifted from a Jeff Crouere article: "America today is replete with cowards who are afraid to "tell it like it is." Fortunately, one of the rare truth tellers is running for President. Let's see if the American people want the truth or if they want to maintain their belief in fiction, supported only by politically correct lies.  Today, our problems are so severe, it is time for not only tough talk, but, more importantly, strong action. Political correctness is a very serious affliction that has done incredible damage to our country. It will eventually destroy America if it is not pulled up by the roots and finally eradicated.” The link's author reacts to Crouere's observation: "Are you one of those cowards who are so timid to think about, much less, discuss the origins of the “PC” doctrine? Progressive academia is a sewer of tribal censorship. The stakes cannot be higher. The very survival of our society is being shattered by allowing the “PC” proponents from going unchallenged."   This is another take on the same subject.

We now move to irrational ad hominem attacks on those who do not buy the prevailing truth as given us by the elite.  This is a modern day problem due to the absence of the ability of many to apply logic to refute prevailing/PC truths which are most often misrepresentation of fact or totally false.  Quote: "But how can modern students really grasp the full impact of ad hominem, unless they carry out logical research of their own, and contrast that experience with simply making flip accusations against people they don't agree with.  In an atmosphere where ad hominem prevails, things don't improve.  They get worse.  Eventually, the dominant groups adopt a few stock attacks against everyone who doesn't adore them.  Rolled out with enough volume and ferocity, they can prevent a person with a different point of view from being heard at all in their controlled "safe space."  So in support of "universal caring and the redress of injustice," such dominant groups become totalitarian commissars."  

Think about this.  While it is not realistic to believe all blame rests on this one person it is certainly true that Obama deserves a good bit of the blame and it surely fits the progressive's political motif.  Quote: "The political left in this country has decided, in the name of constantly advancing their agenda, to politicize everything. You are either with them or against them. The left gives a pass to our actual enemies, and treats their neighbor as the enemy because their neighbor can cast a vote, but ISIS cannot.  It used to not be so. But then Barack Obama stood up and literally told people to start taking guns to knife fights. Now we are dealing with the consequences."   More than ever it is critical that all thinking people question Obama's judgment which is as he has demonstrated repeatedly very, very poor.  Here is an example.  He releases this "good" terrorist from Guantanamo and wallah he is now back in business as a "bad" Al Qaeda terrorist leader.  

Do you believe President Obama when he says he is confident intelligence agencies can successfully vet Syrian refugees?  I didn't think so.  We have good reason not to.  Quote: "Now we have the ODNI, the broad agency that serves as an umbrella for the intelligence community and advises the president, verifying that indeed terrorists have tried to exploit Obama’s Syrian refugee initiative. The ODNI is composed of more than a dozen spy agencies, including Air Force, Army, Navy, Treasury and Coast Guard intelligence as well as the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This week the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Michael McCaul, released unclassified excerpts of information provided to him by the ODNI regarding possible terrorist exploitation of Syrian refugee flows. It’s scary but, unfortunately, not surprising."

This strikes at the heart of lies we are told that our friendly Muslim neighbors will help root out the radicals within their religion.  Best not to latch on too quickly to that thought.  Quote: "And herein lies the issue. Outside the Muslim community, the idea of turning people into the police who are planning crazy stuff is not unusual. It is against the law to not do so. There is no requirement that the government provide you with resources. Pick up a phone. If you don’t pick up the phone, like the friend of Charleston shooter Dylan Roof, you end up in jail. Right now, the mother of the San Bernardino shooter is still walking free despite the mathematical improbability of her non-involvement.  But when you have a tribal mentality, a calculated sense of being apart from the nation of residence, then there is no incentive to do so. In fact, just the opposite. Among US Muslims under the age of 29 as many as 26% believe that suicide bombings are justified. So if you are suspected of informing the police of a potential attack you and your family could easily be targeted. When you read the La Stampa interview of the San Bernardino shooter’s father, also named Syed Farook, gives hints of a man who knows a lot more than he feels safe revealing.  The fact is that the US Muslim community has zero skin in the game. And the way they keep it that way is by not cooperating with authorities before the fact and paying lip service to cooperation after the fact. Our pervasive political correctness has made inserting informants into mosques and suspect organizations dangerous for the law enforcement entity contemplating the action. Handling terrorist sympathizers with kid gloves and the inability of our consular staffs in suspect countries, like Pakistan, to competently carry out even menial tasks… like verifying home addresses… indicates the federal government has abjectly abrogated any pretense of trying to protect the nation before a disaster strikes." 
Now, can you tell me with a straight face that President Obama and his Democrat and Republican co-conspirators are not lying to us about the truth of the risks Syrian refugees bring into our midst?

There is much heartache and suffering throughout the Middle East, both for Muslims and Christians.  It is interesting, though, that our government thinks that only Muslims are at risk.  Our government does not consider the plight of Christians to be a crisis, besides they have "rules to obey" and according to their interpretation the rules exclude Christians - selective rule obeisance endemic to this administration is on full display.  Nonetheless, that is the official progressive liberal/Democrat line.  Quote: "America is about to accept 9000 Syrian Muslims, refugees of the brutal war between the Assad regime and its Sunni opposition, which includes ISIS, Al Qaeda, and various other militias. That number is predicted to increase each year.  There are no Christian refugees that will be admitted.  Why? Because the Department of State is adhering with all the rigidity of a Soviet era bureaucracy to the rule that only people at risk from massacres launched by the regime qualify for refugee status. The rapes of Christian women and the butchery of Christian children do not count. No matter how moved Americans were this Christmas season by the plight of their fellow Christ followers in Syria and Iraq, no matter how horrific the visuals of beheadings, enslavement, and mass murder, the Christians fleeing death do not engender the compassion of this president."  And who is it that is committing these atrocities against the Christians?  Muslims, the ones Obama is so desperate to help.  

You will not like what you read in this item.  Obama and Hillary were in charge.  We have since learned that the next item was at least in part triggered by activities covered in this item.  Read on.

You will not like this either.  Another dirty deed committed by Obama and Hillary.   More important than accepting the Pentagon's declared readiness to act immediately in support of Benghazi in 2012 (shortly before the presidential election BTW), Obama/Hillary instead of giving them a "go" the Pentagon was "instead" told to stand down.  The two of them did not want to do anything that might negatively impact Obama's reelection.  So they denied it was a terrorist attack and trotted out the lie that it was a spontaneous event in response to a video.  Adding insult to injury they further claimed the military told them their assets were too far away to assist.  Liars both.  What a pair.  These two are American traitors.  Their claim that forces were not able to assist was a deadly lie.  Remember Hillary's angry outburst during a congressional hearing when she did not like the questioning: "What difference does it now make?"  It made a whole lot of difference to the families, friends of those who died and Americans seeking the truth.  Their blatant lies make a mockery of high ranking government official's decency, honesty and accountability.  Americans deserve better.  But, for Obama reelection was more important than saving lives and for Hillary saving her political career was much, much more important than the truth.  Despite promises made to the nation and especially the families who lost loved ones, to date no one has been charged, captured or punished for the gruesome terrorist attack and the deaths of four Americans even though both said they would not rest until that happened.  So much for their honesty, ethics, integrity and accountability. If you need factual information to prove their lies read this sent to the State Department from Benghazi a week beforehand. Because of its contents of both cited links we now know that both the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta lied to Congress during their testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee about the disaster - I don't know this but they probably did so on orders from Obama.   Quote: "The nations of Europe had all abandoned Benghazi in previous days, proving that Libya was indeed the most dangerous spot in the world at the time. Further, the Obama administration had received advanced warning to the attack; over a week earlier they had been warned that al Qaeda linked terrorists were planning something in Benghazi."   Still believe what Obama, Hillary and others have repeatedly said in the immediate aftermath and during congressional testimony?

Someone once requested I not mention persecution/plight of Christians in notes I share.  My assumption is they either are anti-Christian for whatever reason, agree we deserve the persecution and vitriol that comes our way, or challenge the notion that no such persecution is happening.  They are reasonable assumptions given all the claims that Christians are haters, have no compassion, want to deny others their rights and need to be punished for their beliefs, etc., etc..  For a host of reasons these accusations and official acts levied against Christians are unfounded.  It is true that some people who call themselves Christian are bad apples. In such cases the individuals involved are unquestionably Christians in name only. Can you name any group that is perfect with no members misrepresenting their faith/belief system?  This piece should open the eyes of anyone who respects facts rather than those who want to either eliminate or suppress the rights of Christians to life, liberty, happiness and pursuit of their faith.  Believe it or not Christians are the most persecuted humans on the face of the earth.  Quote: "A 2015 World Watch List report published by Open Doors found that: “Islamic extremism is by far the most significant persecution engine” of Christians in the world today and that “40 of the 50 countries on the World Watch List are affected by this kind of persecution.” Williams reported that Tajani said Islamists consider Christians: “…”crusaders” of Europe and because of Islamic persecution in the Middle East more than 70 percent of Christians have fled Iraq since 2003, with another 700 thousand Christians who have been forced to leave their home in Syria since the outbreak of civil war.  “Each month 200 churches and places of worship in the world are attacked and destroyed. Every day and in every region of the world, there are new cases of persecution against Christians…”  “No religious community is as subject to hatred, violence and systematic aggression as the Christians,” Tajani said."  And, "... auxiliary bishop Jean Kockerols of Brussels said:  “…the idea that Christians are intruders in certain Muslim-dominated countries must be debunked, since the Christian presence in the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent “dates back to centuries before the spread of the Koran.”  This is not opinion. It is fact. For those who subscribe to the notion that Christians are to be abhorred, ignored and tossed aside as crazies, I invite you to do a serious investigation of the tenants of the religion with a focus on the teachings of Jesus Christ.  You will learn that what you repeatedly hear from so called leftist elites who believe they are experts in every subject under the sun are not infrequently wildly off base because what they do best is lie, twist the truth, promote themselves and their self assigned wisdom and denigrate anyone who does not agree with them and admire their sordid/meaningless beliefs and lifestyles. They direct their venom at Christians - did you ever wonder why?  An investigation into their thinking and its basis might be revealing.   In our country President Obama is the most prominent critic of Christians and is the strongest defender of Islam no matter what they do or say.  As you think the issue through consider his dishonesty and the havoc he has brought to our country.  What you will find is a shallow egotistical individual with a hateful ideology/agenda and that he is dead wrong or blatantly lying most if not all the time.  He "claims" to be a Christian but the truth is he falls into the category of "in name only".  A review of his most recent speech delivered from the White House regarding the killings by two Muslims of at least 14 innocents is but one of hundreds of examples of his un-Christian words and actions, unethical behavior and blatant unChristian dishonesty.  It was a total farce.  Even the hard left CNN agrees.  

Mass shootings are big news these days.  Something interesting, however, is missing from administration proclamations and mainstream media reports.  Mass shootings during Obama's time in office, because of his total lack of leadership, already surpass all four of his predecessors combined.  Quote: "While the administration and the Democrat National Committee Chair have been throwing out overblown numbers regarding mass shootings, the reality, though still disturbing, is nothing like what they have been presenting.  Using information compiled via a database with incidents, fatalities and injuries from real mass shootings in the united States, take a look at the real numbers under Hussein versus our previous four presidents, and remember, unless Congress does its duty and removes this guy from office, he still has over one year left!" 

This is true and easily verifiable using the government's own statistics. Quote: "When they talk about the problem at all, liberal Democrats invariably say we need to spend more money. But that’s not the answer. Like the problems of education, transportation, medical care and lack of job opportunities, the housing problems of the poor are largely the creation of bad government policies. The cheapest, most efficient way to solve these problems is to change the bad polices."

George Burns

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