Saturday, December 26, 2015

Truth about Muslim violence.

Here are some facts that the President and liberal left refuse to acknowledge.  Quote: "Approximately 100 million Christians are persecuted worldwide, making them one of the most persecuted religious groups in the world,” said an Open Doors statement announcing the report. “Islamic extremism is the main source of persecution in 40 of the 50 countries on the 2015 World Watch List.”
Nine of the 10 countries with the worst records for persecution of Christians have populations that are at least 50 percent Muslim, according to the assessment of persecution in the Open Doors USA's World Watch List (WWL) 2015 and population information published by the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency. When you begin to put the pieces together, a pattern emerges. It’s a pattern that liberals and other Islam defenders won’t like, but it’s a true and recognizable pattern, nonetheless. Islam is a force for evil on our planet today and it’s not just the terrorist extremists who are doing the damage… it’s regular ol’ Muslims too."

Continuing that theme the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, is now openly saying "Europe cannot afford to continue ignoring the fate of Christians, who are clearly the most persecuted group in the world.'' These remarks were made at a conference on religious persecution in Brussels earlier this month.  Continuing, he said "It should shake us up that on our continent, Christians are not safe," Schulz, who represents Germany.  The EP Vice President added, “No religious community is as subject to hatred, violence and systematic aggression as the Christians.”  The American left is following that same line with similar consequences ultimately possible when it supports Obama by treating the Muslims as a favored/protected religion.

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